Ideas de Peso | Cryptoassets: Do They Currently Pose a Systemic Financial Risk? A First Approach of Its Evolution and Relative Relevance

We invite you to read the new article on Ideas de Peso, a blog where economists working at the BCRA share their opinions:

Cryptoassets have begun to attract some attention in the international economic agenda. Central Banks and regulatory bodies are beginning to discuss the nature, benefits and risks of cryptoassets. A clear example is the last meeting of G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors held last March in Buenos Aires, where these types of assets were analyzed and discussed. The G20 asked international regulators to intensify the monitoring of cryptoassets. Against this backdrop, this post will specifically focus on providing information on the systemic relevance of these assets. As it will be shown, the quantitative relevance of cryptoassets will continue to be limited.

For more information click here

April 11th, 2018

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