Access to the forex market and purchase of US dollars for savings

Here you can find information related to the access to the forex market for trading in foreign currency.

If you have any inquiry or request for special authorization to trade in the forex market, you should contact an institution licensed to conduct that type of transaction.

If you have any inquiry or claim related to the access to the forex market for purchasing US dollars for saving, you should contact the financial institution through which you usually carry out transactions. You can find the contact details in the section called Persons responsible for customer service at financial and non-financial institutions.

In which cases may you be ineligible for purchasing US dollars for saving?

  • When you do not have enough financial resources to trade in the forex market, according to the parameters set by the financial institution through which you usually carry out transactions.
  • When your transaction exceeds the USD200 monthly quota.
  • When your transaction exceeds the USD100 monthly quota for cash purchases, which is part of the total monthly quota of USD200.
  • When you receive subsidies on public utilities (natural gas, electricity or water).
  • When you have received benefits under the Emergency Assistance for Work and Production Program (Asistencia de Emergencia al Trabajo y la Producción, ATP) either as a person engaged in any commercial activity or as an employee of a company that received such benefits. Note that, if an employer has received the ATP benefit, the restriction will remain in effect, even if the benefit is no longer being received or the loan has already been repaid.

    The restrictions related to credit and refinancing involve the whole system rather than a single institution. Therefore, your situation must be reviewed across the ensemble of institutions, not only in the institution through which you want to make the transaction. For details on your situation, check the Debtors' Database.

  • When you have made purchases with a credit card in foreign currency for an amount equal to, or in excess of, the monthly quota of USD200. It is worth pointing out that, if your credit card purchases exceed the quota, that excess amount will be deducted from the monthly quota in the following months until it is fully offset.
  • When you have refinanced your credit card debt (“Refinancing under Communication A6964” or “Refinancing under Communication A7095”).
  • When you have refinanced your pledge loans or UVA-adjusted mortgage-backed loans.
  • When you have received Emergency Family Bonuses (Ingreso Familiar de Emergencia, IFE) according to the information provided by the Argentine Social Security Administration (Administración Nacional de la Seguridad Social, ANSES).
  • When you have received subsidies from the Health Care Program for Retirees (Programa de Atención Médica Integral, PAMI).
  • When you have been suspended from trading in the forex market under a communication “C” of the BCRA.
  • When you have carried out transactions with securities (Communication A7001).
  • When you have no taxpayer identification number (CUIT), i.e., there is no tax record of you in the database of the Federal Administration of Public

Revenue (Administración Federal de Ingresos Públicos, AFIP). You may contact ANSES, AFIP, the Ministry of Labor or PAMI to check if you have received any benefit, either directly or indirectly, that makes you ineligible to access the forex market.