Global Commodity Outlook

The Global Commodity Outlook provides monthly data on international price trends and key market developments of the agricultural commodities, oil and metals. The report also provides information on related markets, such as production and transportation costs, biofuels, and financial positions on commodity markets.


Due to the discontinuity of publication since March 2016 of the Global Commodity Outlook report we suggest consulting the following links, which provide periodic information with free access about international commodity price developments and relevant news from the markets of major agricultural commodities, oil and metals and minerals:

Suggestions on the global Outlook:

Commodity Price Outlook & Risks.

Commodity Market Monthly.

World Bank Commodities Price Data (The Pink Sheet).

Commodity Markets Outlook.

Suggestions on grains:

World Agricultural Supply and Demand Estimates Report.

ERS Outlook Reports and Data.

Grain Market Report.

Monthly news report on grains.

Suggestions on oil:

Monthly Oil Market Report.

Short-Term Energy Outlook.

Suggestions on metals:

Gold Demand Trends.

For comments or questions about the Global Commodity Outlook please contact:
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