Monetary and Financial

Statistical series custom queries

It allows an interactive query of the monetary statistics, searchs can be made by term, serial number or by a tree of conceptual hierarchies.

As a result of the selection made (selection includes access to own data and / or metadata - methodological notes of the series, notes attributable to particular observations or links to specific normative support) the data, and / or metadata, can be obtained in one or several instances according to the temporary extension of the query performed.

Online visualization of data and / or metadata can be exported to a variety of media formats that respond to the main variants currently in use (Excel, comma delimited text and Extensible Markup Language -xml-) for later exploitation.

An option is also available to save the query (in the user's own computer) to be executed and obtain updated data without having to perform again the individualized selection (implemented to facilitate periodic consultation routines).

All statistical series expressed in terms of the local monetary unit are recorded in thousands of pesos; therefore, the number of decimals necessary and sufficient to reflect a significant figure in historical observations has been enabled.

A full breakdown of technical and informational specifications for eficient querys can be found in Communication "C" 73566.

Standardized tables of statistical series

In this section can be downloads of standardized tables containing multiple statistical series grouped by homogeneous themes in Excel format.

In the case of daily series it is possible to download the different sets of series for a particular year and also for all years (both in Excel format and in txt format).

As for the txt format, there are all historical records of each set of homogeneous monetary series according to a design compatible with the handling of large databases (serial code, dd / mm / yyyy, value of the series ) (Semicolon is the field separator used).

The required structure for integrated operation of the database is completed with the ability to download the file "es_series_i.txt" containing the metadata for each series (series name; methodological notes of the series; notes to a single data; Links, type of series) | url:

Printed version of the Statistical Bulletin of the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic

Printed version of Central Bank Statistical Bulletin is identified under ISSN (International Standard Serial Number) 0005-4674 is a serial publication edited since May 1946 under this name and since 1939 under Revista Económica or Suplemento estadístico de la Revista Económica names.

Until December 1990 it contained evolution of main economic variables (public debt, national accounts, etc.) as well as monetary and financial variables, which is its specific topic since June 1993.


Methodological notes Statistical Bulletin

Methodology request for information (SISCEN)