Private Sector External Debt Report

This quarterly report analyzes the evolution of the private sector external debt based on the main debt instruments.

Survey on External Assets and Liabilities

Statistics are based on the information obtained from the Survey on External Assets and Liabilities established by Communication A6401, as supplemented. The BCRA has agreed upon the data published with the National Institute of Statistics and Censuses of Argentina (Instituto Nacional de Estadísticas y Censos, INDEC) under a cooperation agreement. The statistics published, which had been obtained from the Survey on External Assets and Liabilities and the Survey on Debt Securities and Other External Liabilities, are not compatible for comparison due to methodology and compilation differences.


Third quarter - in Spanish -

Second quarter- in Spanish -

First quarter- in Spanish -


Fourth trimestre - in Spanish -

Third quarter - in Spanish -

Second quarter - in Spanish -

First quarter - in Spanish -

Statistical Series on the Survey on External Assets and Liabilities

The annex shows the statistical series since December 31, 2017. Information is broken down by sector, type of transaction, creditor, currency and country. In a similar way, information on the estimated maturity profile of principal is also published.


Survey on Debt Securities and Other External Liabilities

Statistics are based on the information obtained from the Survey on Debt Securities and Other External Liabilities established by Comunication A3602 as supplemented.