Monetary Policy Statements

11/01/2024 The BCRA Has Launched a Monetary Framework Aimed at Consolidating Price Stability
07/23/2024 The BCRA Has Launched a Monetary Framework Aimed at Consolidating Price Stability
07/11/2024 Endogenous Issuance of Remunerated Liabilities Is Eliminated
05/14/2024 The BCRA Lowers the Monetary Policy Rate and Tightens Control over Monetary Programming
05/02/2024 BCRA Brings Down the Monetary Policy Rate
04/11/2024 BCRA's Actions in View of the Development of the Economic Context and Liquidity Conditions
03/11/2024 BCRA’s Actions in View of the Development of the Economic Context and Liquidity Conditions
12/18/2023 New Monetary Policy Rate and Liquidity Management Scheme
12/12/2023 New Monetary and Foreign Exchange Policy Framework
12/10/2023 Increase in the Monetary Policy Rate and the Rate on Time Deposits
09/14/2023 The BCRA Kept the Monetary Policy Rate Unchanged
12/15/2022 Monetary Policy Release, December 2022
10/20/2022 The BCRA Will Continue Monitoring Inflation and the Forex Market
09/15/2022 BCRA Increases Monetary Policy Rate
08/11/2022 The BCRA Continues with the Process to Normalize the Monetary Policy Ratea
07/28/2022 BCRA Accelerates Process to Normalize Monetary Policy Rate
07/14/2022 New Monetary and Financial Policy Rate Corridor
06/16/2022 The BCRA Improves Remuneration of Savings in Pesos
01/06/2022 The BCRA Redesigns Monetary Policy Instruments to Improve the Conditions for Macroeconomic Stability
05/12/2022 The BCRA Raised the Yield on Time Deposits
04/15/2022 The BCRA Increases Again Monetary Policy Interest Rate Due to a Shock of Commodities
10/15/2020 The BCRA Continues Harmonizing Rates
10/08/2020 Harmonizing Rates and External Debt Payments
10/01/2020 Updated Guidelines: New Measures
10/01/2020 Updated Monetary Policy Guidelines
01/30/2020 The BCRA Set a New Reduction on the Monetary Policy Rate
01/23/2020 The BCRA Kept the Monetary Policy Rate Unchanged
01/17/2020 Changes on LELIQ Auctions
01/16/2020 The Floor of the Interest Rate on LELIQs Keeps Decreasing Gradually
01/09/2020 The BCRA Sets a New Floor of the Interest Rate on LELIQs
12/26/2019 The BCRA Sets the Floor of the Interest Rate on LELIQs at 55%
12/19/2019 The BCRA Sets the Floor of the Interest Rate on LELIQs at 58%
11/29/2019 Decisions Taken by the Monetary Policy Council (COPOM)
10/30/2019 Decisions Taken by the Monetary Policy Council (COPOM)
09/18/2019 Decisions Taken by the Monetary Policy Council (COPOM)
07/22/2019 Decisions Taken by the Monetary Policy Council (COPOM)
07/01/2019 Decisions Taken by the Monetary Policy Council (COPOM)
06/03/2019 Decisions Taken by the Monetary Policy Council (COPOM)
04/29/2019 Decisions Taken by the Monetary Policy Council (COPOM)
04/01/2019 Decisions Taken by the Monetary Policy Council (COPOM)
03/14/2019 Decisions Taken by the Monetary Policy Council (COPOM)
02/28/2019 Decisions taken by the Monetary Policy Council
01/31/2019 Decisions Taken by the BCRA Monetary Policy Council
01/02/2019 Decisions taken by the BCRA Monetary Policy Council
12/05/2018 Decisions taken by the BCRA Monetary Policy Council
09/28/2018 BCRA to Reinforce Monetary Policy Contractionary Bias and to Adapt Regulations to the New Monetary Scheme
09/11/2018 The BCRA Keeps its Annual Monetary Policy Rate at 60%
08/30/2018 BCRA Raises Monetary Policy Interest Rate to 60% and Increases Minimum Reserve Requirements in Pesos, LELIQs or NOBAC Notes by 5 p.p.
08/13/2018 BCRA Raises Monetary Policy Rate to 45%
08/07/2018 The Rate on Liquidity Bills (LELIQs)—40%—is the New Monetary Policy Interest Rate
07/10/2018 The BCRA keeps its monetary policy rate at 40%
06/12/2018 The BCRA Keeps its Monetary Policy Interest Rate at 40%
22/05/2018 El BCRA mantuvo su tasa de política monetaria en 40%
05/08/2018 BCRA to Keep its Monetary Policy Interest Rate at 40%
05/04/2018 BCRA Takes Measures to Stabilize the Market
05/03/2018 BCRA Raised its Monetary Policy Interest Rate to 33.25%
04/27/2018 BCRA Raised its Monetary Policy Interest Rate to 30.25%
04/24/2018 The BCRA Keeps its Monetary Policy Interest Rate at 27.25%
08/30/2016 The BCRA Reduced its Monetary Policy Rate by 50 basis points to 28.25%
08/23/2016 The BCRA Reduced its Monetary Policy Interest Rate by 50 Basis Points to 28.75%
08/16/2016 The BCRA Reduced its Monetary Policy Rate by 50 basis points to 29.25%
08/09/2016 The BCRA Reduced its Monetary Policy Interest Rate by 25 Basis Points to 29.75%

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