Presentation of the Deputy Governor of the BCRA in New York – July 15, 2024

The Deputy Governor of the BCRA, Vladimir Werning, has presented "Argentina Stage II: Establishing an Orthodox Monetary Framework" in various meetings with international investors in New York.


Macroeconomic Stabilization

1 | Stage I: Delivering an Orthodox Fiscal "Exit Strategy"

2 | Stage II: Establishing an Orthodox Monetary Framework (Overview and the Nuts & Bolts)

3 | Stage III: Transiting to a Currency Competition & Prudent Lifting of FX Controls Microeconomic Growth

4 | Stages I, II and III: Promoting Private-Sector Led Growth: Market-Driven Incentives

5 | Stages I, II and III: Tapping into Private-Sector Potential and Political/Popular Support

The presentation was delivered in English. The Spanish translation will soon be available.

Download English presentation

July 15, 2024

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