The BCRA has announced the names of the authors of the winning papers of the 2020 edition of the “Dr. Raúl Prebisch” Economic Research Annual Award. This year, marked by the relaunch of the traditional award, the academic community’s response was overwhelming with a record number of 72 participants from all over Argentina.
The first prize in the PhD Thesis in Economics category was awarded to Magdalena Cornejo for her paper “Un estudio econométrico de los precios de las commodities y su relación con la economía argentina” (An Econometric Study of Commodity Prices and their Relationship with the Argentine Economy).
In the Young Professionals category, the first prize was awarded to Matías Barberis for his paper “Asimetrías del pass-through del tipo de cambio a precios: caso argentino (2004-2019)” (Asymmetries in Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Prices: The Argentine Case (2004-2019)); while the second prize was shared by Lucas María Soules for his paper “Un modelo de aprendizaje automático orientado a predecir mora crediticia sobre la base de datos públicos, abiertos y masivos: desarrollo, evaluación e implicancias prácticas para el mercado crediticio argentino” (An Automatic Learning Model to Predict Loan Delinquency based on Public, Open and Massive Data: Development, Evaluation and Practical Implications for the Argentine Credit Market), and María del Pilar Monteagudo for her paper “Una nueva metodología para identificar los determinantes de la liquidez accionaria relevante para distintos perfiles de la inversión” (A New Methodology to Identify the Determinants of Relevant Stock Liquidity for Different Investment Profiles).
In the University Students category, the first prize was awarded to Patricio Jorge Temperley for his paper “Sustitución de monedas y efecto histéresis: una aplicación empírica para la Argentina” (Currency Substitution and Hysteresis Effect: An Empirical Application to Argentina), while the second prize was shared by Franco Nuñez for his paper “Informalidad laboral en un sistema previsional de reparto parcialmente contributivo y sus efectos macroeconómicos. Un modelo teórico con aplicación al caso argentino” (Labor Informality in a Partially Contributory Unfunded Pension System and its Macroeconomic Effects. A Theoretical Model Applied to the Argentine Case), and Manuel Infante for his paper “Índices de movilidad: una aplicación empírica al sistema financiero argentino” (Mobility Indexes: An Empirical Application to the Argentine Financial System).
The awards ceremony will be held online in the second half of November.
The 2020 edition of the “Dr. Raúl Prebisch” Economic Research Annual Award proves to be particularly significant on two grounds: the contest is relaunched after having been interrupted in 2017, and the BCRA celebrates its 85th anniversary. The decision to relaunch the contest is an important milestone in the BCRA’s history as it strengthens it long-lasting academic profile aimed at promoting and stimulating research on monetary, macroeconomic, and financial topics.
“After three years, this institution is proud to celebrate the relaunch of the Prebisch Award, within the framework of the 85th anniversary of the BCRA”, said the President of the BCRA, Miguel Ángel Pesce.
The jury consisted of Martín Abeles, Director, Buenos Aires Office, Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC); Jorge Carrera, 2nd Vice President, BCRA; Germán Feldman, Economic Research Deputy General Manager, BCRA; Silvia London, professor and researcher, Universidad Nacional del Sur (UNS), and National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET); Roxana Maurizio, professor and researcher, Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA) and CONICET; Marta Novick, professor and researcher, Universidad Metropolitana para la Educación y el Trabajo (UMET) and CONICET; Walter Sosa Escudero, professor and researcher, Universidad de San Andrés (UdeSA) and CONICET; and Sergio Woyecheszen, Vice President, BCRA.
“We are awfully pleased. The awarded papers are of the highest quality standard; they reflect the academic excellence of the Argentine university system”, said Germán Feldman, chief economist of the BCRA and member of the jury.
The awarded papers will be published on the award section and will be considered for publication in the Ensayos Económicos (Economic Essays) journal.
Paper: “Un estudio econométrico de los precios de las commodities y su relación con la economía argentina” (An Econometric Study of Commodity Prices and their Relationship with the Argentine Economy)
Author’s pseudonym: TD01
Name: Magdalena Cornejo
1st Prize: (First Prize: ARS150,000)
Paper: “Asimetrías del pass-through del tipo de cambio a precios: caso argentino (2004-2019)” (Asymmetries in Exchange Rate Pass-Through to Prices: The Argentine Case (2004-2019))
Author’s pseudonym: la.perla.del.oeste
Name: Matías Barberis
2nd Prize: (Second Prize: ARS90,000) – 2 winners
WINNER 1 (Prize: ARS45,000)
Paper: “Un modelo de aprendizaje automático orientado a predecir mora crediticia sobre la base de datos públicos, abiertos y masivos: desarrollo, evaluación e implicancias prácticas para el mercado crediticio argentino” (An Automatic Learning Model to Predict Loan Delinquency based on Public, Open and Massive Data: Development, Evaluation and Practical Implications for the Argentine Credit Market)
Author’s pseudonym: Elliot
Name: Lucas María Soules
WINNER 2 (Prize: ARS45,000)
Paper: “Una nueva metodología para identificar los determinantes de la liquidez accionaria relevante para distintos perfiles de la inversión” (A New Methodology to Identify the Determinants of Relevant Stock Liquidity for Different Investment Profiles)
Author’s pseudonym: Mujeres en finanzas
Name: María del Pilar Monteagudo
1st Prize (First Prize: ARS75,000)
Paper: “Sustitución de monedas y efecto histéresis: una aplicación empírica para la Argentina” (Currency Substitution and Hysteresis Effect: An Empirical Application to Argentina)
Author’s pseudonym: Adso de Melk
Name: Patricio Jorge Temperley
2nd Prize (Second Prize: ARS50,000) – 2 winners
WINNER 1 (Prize: ARS25,000)
Paper: “Informalidad laboral en un sistema previsional de reparto parcialmente contributivo y sus efectos macroeconómicos. Un modelo teórico con aplicación al caso argentino” (Labor Informality in a Partially Contributory Unfunded Pension System and its Macroeconomic Effects. A Theoretical Model Applied to the Argentine Case)
Author’s pseudonym: August Leon
Name: Franco Núñez
WINNER 2 (Prize: ARS25,000)
Paper: “Índices de movilidad: Una aplicación empírica al sistema financiero argentino” (Mobility Indexes: An Empirical Application to the Argentine Financial System)
Author’s pseudonym: Juan tercero Príncipe
Name: Manuel Infante
October 29, 2020.