The BCRA Takes a Significant Step towards the Foreign Exchange Market Normalization

The BCRA has decided once again to shorten the term for importers to access the Free Foreign Exchange Market (Mercado Libre de Cambios, MLC) to pay for their imports.

Under Communication A 8118, the Board of Directors has decided that, as from October 21, 2024, goods subject to a payment term of up to 60 days may now be paid 30 days after customs registration.

In this way, import payment terms are standardized for all goods in the economy—except those with immediate access to the MLC, such as energy—and for all companies, regardless of their size.

This measure, together with the set of actions taken from December 10, 2023, seeks to normalize import payments and provide greater predictability to the production chain, with a twofold positive impact: keeping on promoting economic reactivation and reducing the impact on the prices of goods.

October 17, 2024

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