The BCRA Publishes a New Interest Rate for Wholesale Time Deposits

The BCRA will start publishing Argentina’s Wholesale Rate (Tasa Mayorista de Argentina, TAMAR) calculated on the basis of time deposits in pesos of ARS1 billion or more with a 30 to 35-day term. TAMAR rate will be published daily, as from December 2, 2024. It will be included in the Main Variables section on the BCRA’s website.

Unlike other reference interest rates, such as BADLAR and TM20, the distinctive feature of TAMAR is that the minimum amount of deposits eligible for its calculation will be updated annually.

TAMAR will only include transactions in pesos and will be published in six daily series: three interest rate series (private banks, public banks and all banks) and three traded amount series (private banks, public banks and all banks). Interest rates will be calculated as weighted averages according to the information submitted to the BCRA by financial institutions. The data will be published with a working day delay, as the rest of the daily borrowing interest rates. The series will have historical information as from October 1, 2024.

The publication of BADLAR and TM20 rates will remain unchanged.

November 7, 2024

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