Agreement between the BCRA, the Ministry of Science and the CONICET


The BCRA, the Argentine Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, and the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET) entered into a cooperation agreement which was signed by their respective heads (Miguel Ángel Pesce, Roberto Salvarezza, and Ana María Franchi) at the BCRA.

The agreement aims to promote research and interaction for the design of coordinated public policies that may boost economic development in line with both the constraints and potential aspects of the monetary and foreign exchange regime adopted by the BCRA.

“We are very pleased with this agreement because it allows scientific-technological teams to set their sight on the economic, monetary and financial regulation areas of interest to the BCRA,” pointed out Pesce. “This year, the BCRA relaunched the Ensayos Económicos Journal, and continued working for the Presbich Award and the Money and Banking Conferences. And this agreement stands for another link that brings together the BCRA and the economic research work,” said the President.

In turn, the Minister of Science, Technology and Innovation and the President of the CONICET highlighted the benefits that this agreement may bring about. “The idea is to further research on those topics that are part of the current economic agenda of Argentina and are at the core of the BCRA’s interest. This is a good opportunity for the whole Argentine scientific system to open up and contribute to the design of public policies in Argentina, and to the development of our society,” underlined Salvarezza.

“This agreement is of vital importance since one of our goals is to bring science down to earth, specially, in connection with economic research, an area where much work still lies ahead,” pointed out Franchi. “Under this Agreement, we can train people on these fields of upmost importance for having a clear picture of Argentina,” said Franchi.

The goals set out in the agreement require the joint work of technical teams specialized in the following areas: monetary and financial, production, industry, science, technology and innovation. All signatories undertake to identify, within their competence, the areas in which they may cooperate, and share information and know-how as well.

Initiatives will be coordinated by the heads of the Undersecretariat of Institutional Coordination of the Ministry of Science; the Scientific and Technologic Development Management Office of the CONICET; and the Economic Research Deputy General Management Office of the BCRA.

December 3, 2020.

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