The BCRA's Board has extended the period for granting loans under the Credit Line for Productive Investment, and the validity of Communication A7030, as amended.
The credit line for micro, small- and medium-sized enterprises (MSMEs) charges 30% for the purchase of capital goods, and 35% for working capital.
Financial institutions must allocate an amount equal to 7.5% of their non-financial private sector deposits in pesos to these credit lines.
The Board has further extended the validity of Communication A7030, as amended, until June 30, 2021, and introduced changes for the sake of streamlining its compliance.
Within this framework, the pre-financing of exports from credit lines abroad aimed at importing capital goods may further be allocated to buy inputs for the manufacture of capital goods to be exported, as well as domestic consumer goods (up to 50% in the latter case).
In addition, the procedures for importers that access through the application or by courier have been simplified.
March 18, 2021.