To facilitate access to information, with the commitment of a transparent management, and because we want you to know policies and actions we are carrying out at
In the home page you will find the latest news, recent publications, main economic variables, a a microsite with all the information about the new bank notes and coins, and a direct access to our more used services: queries on credit situation with CUIT, CUIL or CDI and checks returned, plus queries on reported checks and compare fees of products that financial institutions offer.
The new menu is organized according to our main activities, focusing on objectives established in our Charter:
- The Institutional section includes our objectives and annual plans, and our Charter. In addition, you can find communications and notes, presentation materials and speeches of authorities in the Press section. You can also find working papers and economic research essays, and the academic Ensayos Económicos journal, conferences and seminars scheduled and information about our cultural and building heritage.
- The Monetary Policy section contains information about how our monetary policy is implemented, instruments and actions that the Central Bank is carrying out to achieve monetary stability.
- The Financial and Payment System section provides the composition of the Argentine financial system and means of payment available in Argentina, plus the Legal and Regulatory Framework that controls them. You may also consult Communications A, B, C, communications P, circulars, applications, summaries and interpretations of rules issued.
- The Publications and Statistics section contains distinctive and context analysis reports, the annual report to the National Congress and historical series of statistics and weekly and annual balances.
- The BCRA and you section provides tools so you can know your credit situation, identify if you have received a reported check and compare fees of products that financial institutions operating in Argentina offer. In addition to finding out more about the financial system with financial education tools and getting information about services, the Central Bank offers to the community: specialized libraries —Prebisch and Tornquinst—, the Numismatic and Historical Museum and the Numismatic Issuances stand.
As websites are dynamics, we will continue working to optimize it.
For enquiries, comments or suggestions, visit Online support or email to
August 8th, 2016