Report on Foreign Direct Investment - Second Quarter of 2024

During the second quarter of 2024, net foreign direct investment (FDI) in Argentina reached USD2,385 million. This amount was mainly explained by debt transactions (USD1,179 million) and capital contributions (USD652 million). Moreover, net inflows for reinvestment of profits amounted to USD496 million and, for mergers and acquisitions, USD58 million. In year-on-year terms, there was a drop of USD3,021 million in net inflows.

The sectors that received the largest FDI flows in the second quarter of 2024 were: “manufacturing industry” (USD969 million), “deposit-taking institutions, except for the central bank,” (USD900 million), and ”exploitation of mines and quarries” (USD851 million).

Brazil was the main source of FDI flows, with net inflows of USD839 million; followed by China with USD324 million. Switzerland (USD241 million); Canada (USD192 million); and the Netherlands (USD183 million).

The FDI gross liability position reached USD165,032 million as of June 30, 2024, with equity investments amounting to USD109,377 million, and debt instruments to USD55,655 million.

The gross liability position of FDI from the United States amounted to USD30,176 million as of June 30, 2024, accounting for 18% of total holdings. During the same period, the gross liability position of FDI from Spain reached USD24,602 million (15% of the total), and that of the Netherlands, USD18,826 million (11% of the total). These three countries concentrated 45% of FDI stock in Argentina.

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November 28, 2024

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