We invite you to read the new article on Ideas de Peso, a blog where economists working at the BCRA share their opinions:
After having conducting four mystery shopping surveys on banking products in the City of Buenos Aires, the BCRA decided to move on to the interior of the country to complete the picture.
Last May, we visited Rosario and Cordoba. In both cities banks have a relatively high number of branches. The aims of the survey undertaken in the interior of the country are as follows:
• to determine if there is any difference in the products offered by the same institution in different geographical locations;
• to collect statistics on the supply of financial products by banks with strong regional presence (such as Banco de Córdoba, Banco Municipal de Rosario, and Banco de Santa Fe); and
• to compare aggregate statistics on the performance of the supply of each product in the interior of the country to the results obtained in the City of Buenos Aires.
The products surveyed in this new stage by using mystery shopping were the following:
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