The BCRA Announces the Winning Papers of the 2024 Prebisch Award

The BCRA has announced the winning papers of the 2024 edition of the “Dr. Raúl Prebisch” Economic Research Annual Award, which seeks to encourage research on monetary, macroeconomic, financial and banking issues.

Annual Award for University Students

First Prize

Trabajo: Paper: The transmission of supply shocks to inflation: the case of Argentina (2004-2022)

Author: Lucas Sebastián Ordoñez / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

Annual Award for Young Professionals

First Prize (shared)

Paper 1: Inflation and risk in households' investment decisions (Inflación y riesgo en las decisiones de inversión de los hogares)

Author: Horacio Nicolás Tanzi / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

Paper 2: Fiscal devaluations in a context of financial constraints (Devaluaciones fiscales en un contexto de restricciones financieras)

) Author: Diego Germán Piccardo / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA)

Annual Award for PhD Thesis in Economics Completed in Argentina

Paper: Trade policy and real wages: an empirical approach to the Argentine case (Política comercial y salarios reales: una aproximación empírica al caso argentino)

Author: José Luis Espert / Universidad del CEMA (UCEMA)

The jury was composed of Vladimir Werning (Deputy Governor of the BCRA), Mauro Alessandro (Economic Research Deputy General Manager of the BCRA), Sebastián Katz (Economic Research Works Senior Manager of the BCRA), and Laura D’Amato (Professor at Universidad del Centro de Estudios Macroeconómicos de Argentina).

The awarded papers will be posted on the award's section of the website and will be considered for publication in the BCRA’s academic journal Ensayos Económicos (Economic Essays)..

The Economic Research Award aims at stimulating scientific and academic progress, and promoting research. The BCRA thanks all participants for their interest in this award and congratulates the winners on the quality of their work.

December 16, 2024

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