Winning Papers of the 2023 Prebisch Award

The BCRA has announced the winning papers of the 2023 edition of the “Dr. Raúl Prebisch” Economic Research Annual Award, which is given in honor of one of the most outstanding economists in Argentine history and seeks to encourage research on monetary, macroeconomic, financial and banking issues.

The first prize in the PhD Thesis in Economics category was awarded to Gabriel Palazzo for his paper “Tres ensayos sobre tipo de cambio real y sus efectos sectoriales en Argentina” (Three Essays on the Real Exchange Rate and Its Sectoral Effects in Argentina). Alejandro Daniel Pereyra obtained an Honorable Distinction for his paper “Análisis de equilibrios en mercados de deuda soberana. Una Mirada al comportamiento empírico de Argentina entre 2016 y 2019” (Sovereign Debt Markets' Balance Analysis. A Look at the Empirical Behavior of Argentina between 2016 and 2019).

In the Young Professionals category, the first prize was awarded to Nicolás Bertholet for his paper “Devaluaciones Contractivas en América Latina. Un Análisis: VAR de Argentina, Chile y Colombia” (Contractionary Devaluations in Latin America. An Analysis: VAR for Argentina, Chile and Colombia). The second prize of this category was awarded to Agustín Cucchiaro for his paper “Un marco metodológico para pruebas de estrés macro” (A Methodological Framework for Macro Stress Testing).

In the University Students category, the first prize was awarded to Marcos Chaluh for his paper “Estimando la importancia relativa de las expectativas de inflación: Un Estudio de Machine Learning en el contexto de Argentina, 2010-2023” (Estimating the Relative Importance of Inflation Expectations: A Machine Learning Study in the Context of Argentina, 2010-2023). The second prize was shared by Matías Gleser for his paper “Automated Market Makers y la Implementación óptima para CBDCs” (Automated Market Makers and Optimal Implementation for CBDCs), and by María Sofía Anastacio for her paper “Eventos crediticios en la historia argentina 1862-2021” (Credit Events in the History of Argentina, 1862-2021).

The jury consisted of Sergio Woyecheszen (Vice President of the BCRA); Jorge Carrera (Member of the Board of the BCRA); Pablo Carreras Maye (Member of the Board of the BCRA); Roxana Maurizio (Universidad de Buenos Aires and Argentine Scientific and Technical Research Council - CONICET); and Florencia Medici (Universidad Nacional de Moreno and CONICET). The BCRA will consider awarded papers for publication in the journal called Ensayos Económicos (Economic Essays).

Awards Summary by Category:

Annual Award for PhD Thesis in Economics completed in Argentina

Paper: “Tres ensayos sobre tipo de cambio real y sus efectos sectoriales en Argentina” (Three Essays on the Real Exchange Rate and Its Sectoral Effects in Argentina). Author: Gabriel Palazzo / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).

Honorable Distinction

Paper: “Análisis de equilibrios en mercados de deuda soberana. Una Mirada al comportamiento empírico de Argentina entre 2016 y 2019” (Sovereign Debt Markets' Balance Analysis. A Look at the Empirical Behavior of Argentina between 2016 and 2019). Author: Alejandro Daniel Pereyra / Universidad Nacional de Rosario (UNR).

Annual Award for Young Professionals

First Prize:

Winning Paper: “Devaluaciones Contractivas en América Latina. Un Análisis: VAR de Argentina, Chile y Colombia” (Contractionary Devaluations in Latin America. An Analysis: VAR for Argentina, Chile and Colombia). Author: Nicolás Bertholet / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).

Second Prize:

Paper: “Un marco metodológico para pruebas de estrés macro” (A Methodological Framework for Macro Stress Testing). Author: Agustín Cucchiaro / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).

Annual Award for University Students

First Prize:

Paper: “Estimando la importancia relativa de las expectativas de inflación: Un Estudio de Machine Learning en el contexto de Argentina, 2010-2023” (Estimating the Relative Importance of Inflation Expectations: A Machine Learning Study in the Context of Argentina, 2010-2023). Author: Marcos Chaluh / Universidad de Buenos Aires (UBA).

Second Prize:

Winner 1. Paper: “Automated Market Makers y la Implementación óptima para CBDCs” (Automated Market Makers and Optimal Implementation for CBDCs). Author: Matías Gleser / Universidad Nacional de Córdoba (UNC).

Winner 2. Paper: “Eventos crediticios en la historia argentina 1862-2021” (Credit Events in the History of Argentina, 1862-2021). Author: María Sofía Anastacio / Universidad Nacional de Tucumán (UNT).

October 27, 2023

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