They will be open from Monday 20, following a health protocol. People will be able to pay in person on specified days of the week depending on the last digit of their ID. Each person will be able to pay up to 8 bills at a time.
How will payment locations operate?
From Monday, April 20, people will be able to pay their service and utility bills in person at any bill payment location as scheduled. Locations will follow the protocol indicated by the Ministry of Health.When can you pay?
Payment dates will depend on the last digit of your ID:
How many bills will be allowed for payment?
You may pay up to 8 bills to make the service quicker and avoid crowds.
Who can get priority ahead of queues?
The elderly and any other person belonging to a risk group will have priority and, where possible, in dedicated time slots.
Shall I submit anything?
Yes. Apart from your bills, you will be required to produce your ID so that you can demonstrate you are attending a payment location as scheduled.
How can I pay?
Although most locations take cash and debit cards, please check with the company of your choice other means of payment available.
What are the operating hours?
Operating hours may vary depending on each location, which shall make any arrangements to prevent their staff from traveling in rush hours.
Non-bank payment companies:
Pago Fácil, Rapipago, Bica Agil, Cobro Express, Multipago, Plus Pago, Pronto Pago, Provincia Net and Ripsa.
Where can I learn which companies are operative?
Companies will start operating gradually, so please check out the companies’ websites:
What other preventive measures have been adopted?
What happens if the health protocol is not followed?
Those locations which fail to follow the health recommendations based on the standards set by the Argentine Ministry of Health, the World Health Organization, the Argentine Superintendence of Work Hazards, the BCRA, and, where appropriate, by municipal or local bodies, will not be allowed to start operating.
Buenos Aires, April 17, 2020.