The BCRA Awarded Bids for BOPREAL Series 3 for USD89 Million (NV) at a New Auction

The BCRA awarded bids for BOPREAL Series 3 for a nominal value (NV) of USD89 million at the fourth auction. One hundred and thirty-four bids were submitted and awarded, reaching a total aggregated amount of USD981 million (NV).

This series will be auctioned weekly up to a total nominal value of USD3,000 million. This bond may be transferred and traded in the secondary market. It will accrue a rate of 3% APR and will be repaid in three quarterly installments, from November 2025 to May 2026.

The auctions of Series 3 bonds are open to all importers with outstanding debts incurred until December 12, 2023, regardless of whether they have registered their debts in the Registry of Commercial Debt from Imports Owed to Foreign Suppliers or not. In the event that the bids for BOPREAL Series 3 exceed the maximum issuance amount, the bonds will be awarded pro rata based on the amount demanded.

The BCRA awarded all Series 1 bonds for USD5,000 million (NV) and all Series 2 bonds for USD2,000 million (NV).

In addition, around 5,900 MSMEs have repaid debts from imports for a total of USD347.5 million without subscribing BOPREALs. These MSMEs have registered commercial debts for up to USD500,000 and may pay back their debts in full in three months.

For more information on the requirements and procedures for importers to participate in the BOPREAL auctions, please see the guide prepared by the BCRA.

March 21, 2024

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