The BCRA and the National Council for Scientific and Technical Research (Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas, CONICET) have opened the Call for 2023-2024 Targeted Research Projects (Proyectos de Investigación Orientada, PIO).
This is the second call under the cooperation agreement signed between both institutions in October 2021, which aims at boosting the development of new research projects.
This is a joint initiative that brings together the interest of both institutions regarding the identification, management and financing of targeted research projects on macroeconomic, financial, productive and social issues.
An ad hoc commission made up of members nominated by the BCRA and the CONICET—with federal representation and gender equality—will be responsible for analyzing the projects in the different stages.
In the first submission stage, they will pay attention to the technical aspects of the project and to whether it is in line with the strategic lines proposed. The following topics will be prioritized in this call:
- Development of the domestic capital market
- International financial architecture
- Development banks
The submission of “ideas-projects” will be open from April 3 to June 1, 2023.
The selected projects will enter the second stage for final submission.
The projects will last two years. The results of the research will be published in the Ensayos Económicos (Economic Essays) journal of the BCRA.
The projects will be financed by the BCRA and managed by the CONICET through Fundación INNOVA-T.
Call Conditions: Conditions for the 2023-2024 BCRA - CONICET Call
The call for the final submission of the selected “ideas-projects” will be open from July 1 to August 1, 2023. For more information, write to:
April 3, 2023