The BCRA Includes the “Series” in the API for the Main Variables

The BCRA considerably enhanced the API (Application Programming Interface) for the Main Variables by including the standardized tables of statistical series of the Daily Monetary Report, known as the "series," one of the most frequently consulted files among economists, analysts and specialized journalists.

This streamlines the access to key information about Argentina's main monetary variables, such as monetary base, international reserves, deposits, loans and interest rates, as well as the explanatory factors of the monetary base and international reserves.

This new development means an enhanced catalog, which already includes the APIs for the Debtors' Database, Reported Checks, and Foreign Exchange Statistics, released earlier this year. These public and free tools streamline interaction with databases, reducing costs and time for users.

The launch of the various APIs is part of the BCRA's Open Finance strategy to promote transparency and improve the flow of information in the financial system.

December 18, 2024

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