BCRA Gold Reserve Administration

The BCRA has successfully completed the transfer of part of its gold reserves among its different accounts. Pursuant to the BCRA's Charter and Law 23,928, the BCRA is responsible for the daily administration of reserves, which include not only gold but also foreign currency and other foreign assets.

For over a decade, the BCRA has maintained the same options for managing its gold reserves, both in physical format (bars and ingots) and in electronic format (accounts abroad). These rebalancing transactions do not change the total volume of gold reserves, which remain valued at approximately USD4,981 million as published in the balance sheet as of August 23, 2024.

In this context, the BCRA expressed its concern about the irresponsible use of information for political reasons related to these transactions before their completion, as it endangers the security of all Argentinians' assets. The information on BCRA reserve administration has always been handled in a confidential manner to preserve its security. Both the Argentine General Audit Office (Auditoría General de la Nación, AGN) and the relevant supervisory bodies have access to this information under the same scope of confidentiality.

September 2, 2024

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