XII “Dr. Raúl Prebisch” Economic Research Annual Award

February 17, 2020. Within the framework of the 85th anniversary of the BCRA, it calls for submissions for the “Dr. Raúl Prebisch” Economic Research Annual Award 2020, intended for young professionals and university students of Economics and related studies in Argentina.

This Award is in commemoration of one of the most outstanding economists in Argentine history and seeks to encourage research on monetary, macroeconomic, financial and banking issues.

The Award categories are:

  • University students: students of Economics or related studies at public and/or private universities throughout the country.
  • Young professionals: with no more than five years as graduates in Economics or related studies.
  • PhD thesis in Economics: written by graduates from Argentine universities and passed in 2017, 2018, 2019 or 2020.

The prizes for each category are as follows:

University students

First prize: ARS75,000

Second prize: ARS50,000

Young professionals

First prize: ARS150,000

Second prize: ARS90,000

PhD thesis in Economics

Award: ARS250,000

Papers can be submitted until Tuesday, June 30, by completing a registration form at Institucional/Premio Anual de Investigación Económica. This link also contains the terms and conditions and the papers awarded in previous editions.

The awarded papers will be published in the BCRA website and would be considered for publication in the Ensayos Económicos (Economic Essays) journal.

For enquiries about the Award, write to premio.invest@bcra.gob.ar or call (011) 4348-3582.

Dr. Raúl Prebisch

Dr. Prebisch was a pioneer of the Latin American structuralist thought in the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean (ECLAC). By the end of the 1940s, he created a number of economic categories which are still essential to understand the challenges that our economies face today: the exchange between the core and peripheral and its implications on the economic cycle; foreign restriction as the main limiting factor to sustainable growth; need to diversify the productive structure in order to overcome foreign bottleneck; role of the terms of trade and their ancient worsening; higher income elasticity of imports in peripheral countries; and, finally, the trend towards divergence between developed and emerging countries if these structural problems are not solved.

Prebisch holds a really special place in BCRA history. He was one of the leading figures of the bill that made possible the creation of the BCRA in 1935, and was the first General Manager until 1943.

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