Banknotes and Coins | Commemorative Issues

The Central Bank is empowered to issue coins with numismatic or commemorative value. These special issues may be grouped into two classes:

- Coins intended for collecting (though they may not be recognized as a means of payment).

- Legal tender coins and banknotes with distinctive designs and/or specific value.

Legal tender coins

13th Ibero-American Series: “Ibero-American Capital Cities” - Buenos Aires
40th Anniversary of the Return to Democracy
Football World Cup Qatar 2022
Bicentennial of the Year General Manuel Belgrano Passed Away
2018 World Cup Russia
Bicentennial of the Declaration of the Independence of Argentina
80 th Anniversary of the Central Bank of Argentina
International Commemorative Coin Program Fabulous 15 “El Payador”
International Commemorative Coin Program Fabulous 15 “Tango”
2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil
Bicentennial of the First Patriotic Coin
Argentina - Chile Dakar Rally 2010
60th Anniversary of the Death of Maria Eva Duarte de Peron
30 th Anniversary of the Recovery of the Malvinas, South Georgias and South Sandwich Islands
75 th Anniversary of the Central Bank of Argentina
2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa
Bicentennial of the May Revolution
Advocacy of Human Rights
International Polar Year 2007-2008
Centennial of the Discovery of Oil in Argentina
25 th Anniversary of the Malvinas Islands Deed
20 th Anniversary of Jorge Luis Borges’ Death
70 th Anniversary of the Central Bank of Argentina
2006 FIFA World Cup Germany
1978 Football World Cup
50 th Anniversary of the Death of Eva Duarte de Peron
Bicentennial of the Birth of General J.J. de Urquiza
Argentinos Oro (1881-1896)
Commemoration of General Martin Miguel de Güemes
Ibero-American Coin Series
50 th Anniversary of the UN
Mercosur (Southern Common Market)
Centennial of the Foundation of Comodoro Rivadavia
Case for the PESO Series Argentine Coins
150 th Anniversary of General San Martin’s Death
100 th Anniversary of Jorge Luis Borges’ Birth
50 v Anniversary of Law 13,010
50 th Anniversary of the Creation of UNICEF
National Constituent Convention