On September 20, 2012, the Central Bank of Argentina issued the first $100 banknote, still in circulation, to pay homage to the 60th anniversary of the death of María Eva Durate de Perón. It is the first Argentine banknote that features a woman.
The coin was designed and struck by the Mint "Sociedad del Estado Casa de Moneda" based on the project conceived by the Italian artist Renato Garrasi following Evita’s death in 1952.
The banknote is the same size as that of $100, which is currently in circulation. Its main colors are violet, blue, and pink; additionally, it has new security features which are visually recognizable by the public: a 5 mm wide silver band thread containing Eva Peron’s image and optically variable magnetic ink producing a dynamic effect (SPARK®); the center shows the “100” value. To learn about the security features click here
Banknote characteristics.
A portrait of Maria Eva Duarte de Peron facing to the left is embellished with flowers on a security background depicting ceibo flowers and leaves as a symbol of Argentina.
The upper center reads “BANCO CENTRAL DE LA REPUBLICA ARGENTINA - MARIA EVA DUARTE DE PERON 07 05 1919 - 26 07 1952” (CENTRAL BANK OF ARGENTINA - MARIA EVA DUARTE DE PERON 05.07.1919 - 07.26.1952) (dates of birth and death). Below such dates the following phrase is included: “Como mujer siento en el alma la cálida ternura del pueblo de donde vine y a quien me debo". (As a woman, I feel in my soul the warmth and tenderness of the people I come from and to whom I owe a duty.)
There is an image of a part of the frieze of the Roman altar of Augustan Peace (Ara Pacis Augustae).
Such image is supplemented by the phrase: “Líder popular que luchó por los derechos de los trabajadores, humildes y desprotegidos, realizando una intensa tarea de justicia social. Impulsó la participación de las mujeres en la vida política, promoviendo fervientemente el voto femenino, derecho finalmente consagrado por ley en el año 1947 y ejercido por primera vez en el año 1951”. (Popular leader who fought for the rights of the most humble and vulnerable workers by carrying out arduous social justice work. She advocated the participation of women in politics by strongly promoting women’s suffrage—a right that was finally granted legally in 1947 and actually exercised for the first time in 1951.)