Treasury Senior Management Office

To lead and control aspects related to the strategic planning of the demand for banknotes and coins for the national market and their distribution; and activities related to the design of banknotes and coins, as well as numismatic and commemorative issuances.

Myriam Fernández | Senior Manager

Myriam Fernández holds an undergraduate degree in Business Management from Universidad Argentina de la Empresa (UADE) and a master’s degree in Business Management with a major in Human Resources Management from the School of Economics and International Business, Universidad de Belgrano (UB).

Prior to taking up her current position at the BCRA, she served as Procurement Manager, Functional Organization Deputy Manager, Planning and Control Deputy Manager, as well as Head of Institutional Planning and Head of Human Resources Administration.

As regards consulting, she designed the Bank Supervisor training program and career path, in addition to reviewing and updating Human

Talent policies for the Superintendence of Banks of Panama.

Fotografía de Myriam Fernandez