1 | You should find out what transactions may be carried out free-of-charge through your bank’s ATMs. Keep in mind that if you carry out transactions through ATMs of other banks, this has a cost that depends on whether such ATMs are in the same network or another one. Transactions include other options than withdrawing money such as inquiring the balance of your account or paying for a service.
2 | To avoid using up the limit of free-of-charge transactions, you may check your balances through telephone or online banking.
3 | If you need a high amount of money, keep in mind that there is a daily withdrawal limit in ATMs which usually amounts to AR$1,000 but which may vary if the client agreed otherwise with the bank. This limit applies on the seven days of the week.
4 | You may modify the daily withdrawal limit if the amount of money you need daily is high; you may also reduce it on account of security reasons or other. In some banks, this change in the daily withdrawal limit implies the opposite change in the debit card spending limit.
5 | If, upon withdrawing money, there is a difference between the receipt and the amount of money actually withdrawn, you should inform this to the bank issuing your card so that it can solve the problem. Similarly, if you lose your card or if the card is stolen, you should inform the bank that issued the card immediately.
6 | When making deposits, make sure you insert the envelope containing cash or cheques together with the first receipt issued by the ATM during the transaction in the correct slot. You should keep the receipt issued by the ATM at the end of the transaction for any potential complaint you may have to make.
7 | Avoid using ATMs when they display unusual messages or you find strange transaction situations.
8 | You should change the personal password or PIN given by the bank for one of your own choice; make sure you remember it rather than writing it. This PIN or password should not be your personal address, your date of birth or any other number that may be obtained easily from documents kept in the same place as your card.
9 | When using an ATM, consider your personal security first. Avoid entering your personal password in the presence of unknown third parties, even when they intend to help you; also refrain from giving your card to third parties as the card is for personal use.
10 | Though it may seem obvious, remember to take away your magnetic card when your finish your transactions.