Adjustments to Safeguard Exchange Rate Stability

October 27. Today, the Board of the BCRA made changes to Communication A6770, which has regulated inflows and outflows in the foreign exchange market since September 1. These changes, which were established in Communication A6815 , seek to keep exchange rate stability and protect international reserves in a context of uncertainty.

This communication is temporary; natural and legal persons may continue withdrawing dollars from their bank accounts; the regular development of foreign trade is not affected, and there is no restriction to purchase US dollars for travelling.

This measure establishes a new limit to purchase US dollars. Natural persons may purchase up to USD200 per month by debiting an equivalent amount from their accounts in pesos. Larger purchases will require the authorization from the BCRA. Up to USD100 may be purchased in cash. These limits are not cumulative and include all transactions already made in October.

Non-resident natural and legal persons may purchase up to USD100 per month.

Persons who have purchased more than USD200 and less than USD10,000 in October will not be penalized.

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