BCRA at Tecnópolis

Including, Teaching, and Promoting is Central

The BCRA has taken part in the tenth edition of the Tecnópolis fair proposing that people became acquainted with financial inclusion, thus improving everyone's quality of life and boosting Argentina’s economy.

The BCRA’s stand at the fair was part of the thematic pole called “Nurture the human side”. This curatorial tour was developed on the basis of solidarity, sensitivity, and knowledge, and was meant to contribute towards a fairer and more equitable future.

The proposal was intended for people of all ages to become protagonists and to learn by interacting in different spaces. Visitors were thus able to test their own knowledge on the advantages of operating in the financial system, and of banking.

Experiences that were part of this tour

Payments By Transfer

Visitors were able to simulate this type of payments on specially designed apps on different devices.

Immersive 3D Experience

By visiting this space in person, visitors were able to learn how banknotes give way to everyday electronic transactions, such as debits, ECHEQs, transfers, single banking codes (CBUs), and single virtual codes (CVUs).

In this video, you can listen to Ayelén, Nahuel, Lucía, and Edgardo, and learn how to open a universal free account; how to make and receive payments by transfer; how to make an early-payment UVA time deposit; and how to prevent online scams and keep your information secure.

BCRA’s Trivia

A game to answer questions on screen about the channels and circuits through which money turns into electronic means of payment.

You can also play here and learn more!

Micro Cinema

At the end of the tour, visitors could watch a short film about Francis's 18th birthday, and take part in an interactive experience to consolidate their knowledge about saving tools and the use of electronic means, focusing on financial users’ security and rights.

We invite you to celebrate Francis's 18th birthday through this video.