Permanent Exhibitions

The libraries, the museum, and the numismatic issuances stand of the BCRA will continue to be closed to the public, in line with the measures adopted by the Executive on the activities of the national public administration (DECNU-2021-236-APN-PTE), within the framework of COVID-19 resurgence.

In the ground floor, there is a room that keeps the main pieces of Héctor Carlos Janson’s collection, and two auditoriums surrounding the main hall where temporary exhibitions are shown. There are six rooms in the first floor, which exhibit the main pieces of the museum that trace the history of Argentine currency back to the creation of the BCRA.


Native Peoples and Colonial Times

Goods bartered by native peoples. Spanish (vice royal) gold and silver coins in the South American territory, issued by the Mint House of Potosí (currently, Bolivia).


Independence and National Organization in Argentina

First patriotic coins (1813 and 1815): national gold “escudos”, silver “reales” and silver “soles”.


Conservative Republic and the 20th Century

First monetary line for the entire country (1881)—“Peso Moneda Nacional”: “argentinos de oro” and “patacones de plata”, among others. Private vouchers, tokens and currencies. Lines: “Pesos Ley 18.188” (1970-1983), “Pesos Argentinos” (1983-1985), “Australes” (1985-1991), and “Pesos Convertibles” (1992-2002); along with barter vouchers.


Argentine Currency at Present

Items for producing currency. Argentine coins and banknotes in circulation from 2002, and banknotes of the “Argentina’s Fauna” new series.


Predecessor Financial Institutions of the Central Bank

Pieces from the Office for National Public Lending (a body that managed public debt in the 19th and early 20th centuries): sovereign bonds, Great Book of Revenues, gold cigarette case with topaz, raffle drum for repayment of securities, among others. Scales for weighing precious metals belonging to the Caja de Conversión (which regulated monetary issuance and managed reserves).


Central Bank of Argentina

Special issuances of coins, banknotes, and Argentine and international medals. Historical pieces of the Central Bank.

Medidas de seguridad del nuevo billete de 1000 pesos con la imagen del Hornero.

BCRA means the Central Bank of the Argentine Republic. The BCRA offers neither banking nor financial services to the general public.

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